Chris has been working so much at his regular job that the building process has almost come to a halt. The good news is he was able to take off a few days this past weekend and get the framing inside finished up so that we can talk to the HVAC installer and the electrician and they can take over for a bit. Those two items should be the only thing we pay someone else to do!
This is the framing upstairs in the Master bedroom. It will be a closet,bathroom( with the window) and another closet. |
The framing on the side of the bedroom that leads downstairs. We go back and forth on if we will put windows in the wall to let the light in from the stairwell. If we leave them will will probably frost them. |
The kitchen pantry door has been framed in and the cabinets for the kitchen have been laid out....the tape on the floor :) The fridge will go next to the pantry, the sink will go under the window and then closer to the bigger window at the right will be the stove. There will also be an island in the center of the room. |
The large deck off the back has been started too! Like I said, Chris was busy this weekend! |
All of the windows are now in and the exterior will stay much the same. Now that the framing inside is done Chris will switch to trimming out the outside until the electric and HVAC is completed and he has a bit more time. He has been working 7 days a week at work. |