Monday, May 12, 2014

The work never seems to end

Before grout
For Mother's day my mom and I spent the day weedeating the lawn, pulling weeds out of flower beds, seeding the lawn and grouting the rock on the front of the house. Chris spent the day fixing a lawn mower and building walls in the upstairs for the girls' rooms.

After grout. I don't see a whole lot of difference.

Upstairs on the far side of what will be the hall looking toward the stairs.

Abi's room facing the closet door because it is tough to take pictures in a circular room.

Hannah's door way is not up yet but this is her room. Between the two bedrooms will be their shared bathroom.

The front with grouted stone. We are closer to paint now but Chris is also closer to his job deadline at work and only getting busier!!!! That means less time for our house.

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