Sunday, April 5, 2015

More drywall to finish

There has been some progress on the kitchen ceiling. Chris has finished putting it all up now.

The walls are also hung and they have gotten one coat of finish on them. The biggest problem we ran into is that we have noticed the extra large refrigerator we bought will now not work where we had first planned to put it. The size has forced us to find another place to put it because it made the sink not centered under the window if we left it in the corner.

The refrigerator will now have to be moved over to the wall by the stairs and we will have to build around it in some way to make it look good. We will figure that out later on though.

Chris has framed in the wall of the loft area in the North grain bin. Now he can work on getting the min-split heat/air unit figured out and hang the rest of the drywall up there.

 The drywall in the spare bedroom downstairs is complete.

The library in the South grain bin has had a few coats of finish now.

  • The extra living are on the main floor has been sanded and we are getting ready to prime it soon for paint. We were able to talk to a guy about finishing the floors for us. This is something we were going to do ourselves but we are thinking that maybe we should have someone who has done it before do it. I am too afraid of messing it up and having to start over again. Concrete is not so forgiving when it comes to staining and finishing.

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